Looking for Pro Bono work
The Gig
I’m looking for Pro Bono work this summer. Preferably management, Smartsheet usage, but I’m flexible.
A few details
- Certified non-profit organization
And I don’t mean a company that doesn’t make a profit, but a charitable organization. I also don’t mean a company formed to benefit another company or set of companies. I mean charity. Helping people. You help people, I want to help you, at least for a little while this summer.
- Location does not matter, as long as I can support remotely
To be open, I have no idea where I’ll be physically located in July, August, September this year. I’m pretty sure I’ll be either in the USA or Europe, but after that it gets pretty murky. I will support outside my timezone.
- Limited Engagement
I’m offering 40 hours of support / help over two to three weeks, depending on need. See my LinkedIn profile for what I have done. If you think I might be fit, ask.
- One engagement
And by that I mean, I’ve got 40 hours to give this summer. As soon as I’m “booked”, I’ll update this post so no one is inconvenienced.
- How to contact me
Send me an In-mail, send me an e-mail. Tell me:
- Your name
- Your company name and website
- Where you are located
- What you need
I’m not looking for anything in particular, that is I don’t need 40 words or less, or 50 words or more, or anything structured really. Just say hello and tell me how I can help. That’s it.
Any questions? Just ask.
This is my first time, so be gentle.
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