I was going to work today. Locally in my house, without social media pulling me away. And then I got a response to attempts to voice opinions to my senators. I had a follow up question, but so much for that idea. What was I thinking? I get that I submitted a form and theRead more
Adolph Hitler said: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” He actually said a lot of things, and one piece of advice from me is that a quick search of the Internet for “best Hitler quotes” may turn up some phrases that have loud echoes inRead more
Well, not stream of consciousness, more like stream of Internet surfing. I’ve been working on the business case and business model for an App I’m building and testing. That part is going well, thanks for asking. For some reason, I woke up annoyed at SaaS deployments. Seriously annoyed. I rarely remember my dreams, in wholeRead more
When I saw the post on the Smartsheet Community, I didn’t think there was an answer. The question (paraphrased) was: How do I reference a cell that does not exist yet? The use case is a sheet is populated via a WebForm and adds new rows to the sheet at the top. A certain columnRead more