Today, I realized I had about two dozen sheets I wanted to remove from Smartsheet. Being me, I didn’t / couldn’t just hit the “delete” key, but the thought of converting them to Templates or exporting them one by one had my finger hovering over that key, slightly trembling (I exaggerate, but not by much).Read more
If you use Zapier for SaaS integration (there are good reasons to do so) and, like me, you occasionally need to check out a new integration, refresh the possibilities of ones you already use, or check out recent changes, it may help you to know about some short-cuts I use. Explore page The first isRead more
The Background If you are reading this, you probably have already read the manual, that is, the Smartsheet‘s Help articles on formulas. I keep this link book-marked: I also use Wachete to monitor for changes. You can also access the help from within a Smartsheet using the Function icon This icon is also a convenient wayRead more
An Alternative to Nested IF’s Warning: It takes longer to explain the problem than it does to explain the solution. One of the common issues raised on the Smartsheet Community is problems dealing with NESTED IF’s. NESTED IF are a series of IF statements that are chained (nested) together. These are allowed and occur becauseRead more